Category Archives: Good Nutrition

What About Lemon Water?

After last week’s blog and TV segment on the benefits of alkaline water, I had a few people ask about lemon water. Is it good for you? Is it better than alkaline water? Why drink it at room temperature?

I hope this post answers some of these questions, and more!

Yes, it is good for you. Not necessarily better/worse than alkaline water, but has different benefits. Room temperature water gets down to the cellular level faster than ice-cold water. So keep your water, and your lemons, at room temperature for the best effect of your body.

Here are some reasons why to drink lemon water:

1) Clears Skin

Plain water can help flush out toxins to keep skin clear, but the added vitamin C in lemons helps purge toxins from our blood more effectively to make skin appear clear and younger!

2) Balances Your PH

Lemons taste and appear to be very acidic, but they actually have a very alkalizing effect on our bodies. Keeping your body in an alkaline state also prevents diseases and pathogens from surviving (see last week’s blog on the benefits of alkaline water)

3) Boosts Immune System

The potassium in lemon juice helps control blood pressure, stimulate brain and nerve function. Vitamin C also helps fight colds.

4) Weight Loss

Drinking lemon water helps boost your metabolism, fight cravings, flush out water weight and curb hunger.

5)  Boost the Brain and Nervous System

Lemons contain potassium (see above). Low levels of potassium can cause depression, anxiety, forgetfulness and brain fog. The dose of Vitamin C in lemons can replenish what gets depleted when you’re under a lot of stress.

6) Helps Respiratory Problems

If you have asthma or infections, lemon water has antibacterial properties which can help get rid of infections of the chest and eases coughs.

7) Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation can hurt, especially if you have it in various parts of your body. Lemon water helps reduce inflammation and can calm down most irritations.

8) Energy Boost

Do you need a pick-me-up in the afternoon? If you drink a cup of hot water with lemon in it instead of coffee, not only will you cut your caffeine, but you will not have that sinking feeling!

9) Great Source of Potassium

If you do not like bananas, but are still low on your potassium levels, try a few glasses of lemon water per day.

~ Doneane


Alkaline Water — Why?

What is the first thing you think about when you consider the most important food or nutrient? Think on this: your brain is about 70% water, and your body is about 80% (even your bones contain water!). So one of the most important things you consume daily should be good, filtered water. Every morning, you actually wake up slightly dehydrated.

Just one simple thing will give you more energy, help you focus, and reduce cravings: upon awakening, drink at least 2 cups of filtered alkaline water. Most of us reach for coffee or tea (or worse, soda!) first thing in the morning, but these caffeinated drinks act as diuretics, leading to further dehydration. So start with water first, then move on to your other preference for morning beverages.
Our local tap water is generally a mixture of chlorine, anti-biotics, hormones and metals which go straight into your system. Unfiltered and impure water can weaken your immune system and make your body vulnerable to disease. When we become too acidic, we experience low energy, fatigue, digestive issues, weight gain and other side effects that can be remedied with pure water and fresh organic vegetables with a healthy acid/alkaline balance.
Alkaline filtration systems can be costly (ranging up to many thousands of dollars for a whole-home system); however, personal alkaline filters are widely available at health food stores at a reasonable cost ($50 – $500). The internet is full of sites designed to help you find the right filtration system for you. Most grocery stores now carry bottled alkaline water, but it is also a bit costly when compared to regular bottled water.


So, make your own! Here is a simple recipe to make your very own gallon of alkaline water in your kitchen:

  • 1 pitcher (64 ounces) of clean filtered water
  • 1 organic lemon, washed, cut into eighths
  • 1 tsp Himalayan pink salt
Directions: Fill pitcher, add in Lemon wedges (do not squeeze!). Then add 1 tsp. Himalayan Pink Salt, cover, and let sit overnight (8-12 hrs.) at room temperature.
It is best to drink alkaline water at room temperature, especially first thing in the morning, for better absorption into the digestive tract.
~ Doneane


Healthy Bedtime Snacks

Do you sometimes get some hunger pangs close to bedtime? Wondering what would be good to eat and not sabotage your weight loss goals or healthy eating plan? Here is a video segment explaining a few snack options for just before bed:

The rule to follow about eating during evening hours is to eat your last meal MORE than 2 hours before going to bed. Digestion slows to a crawl as you sleep, and anything eaten soon before laying down does not effectively get digested. So your last meal of the day should be backed up to occur well before that 2 hour window.

But, if you should feel hungry just before bed, try drinking a glass of room temperature water to see if it quenches your hunger. If not, some healthy bed time snack options are:

2 cups of air popped pop corn (no butter!)

2 slices of natural cheese

a small apple and 1 tablespoon of natural peanut butter

a few carrot sticks or celery stalks, dipped in hummus

4 ounces of cottage cheese

4 ounces of Greek yogurt (option: add a few blueberries or a bit of granola)

Each of these snacks should calm down the feelings of hunger, and should not impede your ability to fall asleep.

If you are eating six small meals a day as most nutritionists suggest (myself included!) then you should not feel hungry at bedtime, unless you had a hard workout or some other activity that revved up your system just before time to call it a night. If so, try one of the above options!

~ Doneane

Bone Broth: The Naked Truth

Bone broth is one of those old family recipes or home remedies that some of us may have been force fed as kids. But recent nutritional research shows that this concoction is really good for you! And it is very simple to make. If you watched the video on my Facebook page, you saw my recipe which makes a great beef stew along with the bone broth. The link to the video is here:


Yum! The above images are of my batch in progress over Valentine weekend!

The basic recipe is below:


  • 3-4 pounds beef marrow and knuckle bones
  • 2 pounds meaty bones such as short ribs
  • ½ cup raw apple cider vinegar
  • 4 quarts filtered water
  • 3 celery stalks, halved
  • 3 carrots, halved
  • 3 onions, quartered
  • Handful of fresh parsley
  • Sea salt


  1. Place bones in a pot or a crockpot, add apple cider vinegar and water, and let the mixture sit for 1 hour so the vinegar can leach the mineral out of the bones.
  2. Add more water if needed to cover the bones.
  3. Add the vegetables bring to a boil and skim the scum from the top and discard.
  4. Reduce to a low simmer, cover, and cook for 24-72 hours (if you’re not comfortable leaving the pot to simmer overnight, turn off the heat and let it sit overnight, then turn it back on and let simmer all day the next day)
  5. During the last 10 minutes of cooking, throw in a handful of fresh parsley for added flavor and minerals.
  6. Let the broth cool and strain it, making sure all marrow is knocked out of the marrow bones and into the broth.
  7. Add sea salt to taste and drink the broth as is or store in fridge up to 5 to 7 days or freezer up to 6 months for use in soups or stews.

Bone broth can be made from any type of bone: beef, poultry or fish. Just be sure that whatever type of bone you choose to use, that is comes from cows/chickens/turkeys that have been raised free-range, grass fed, and antibiotic/hormone free, and fish that are wild caught.

The benefits of bone broth are not only increased immunity, but ease in joint pain, strength for your bones, and benefits to your hair, skin, and nails, as follows:

Helps heal and promote healthy digestion: The gelatin found in bone broth is a hydrophilic colloid. It attracts and holds digestive juices,  which supports proper digestion Wards off infection: if your gut is healthy, so is your immune system,  which can keep cold and flu viruses at bay
Reduces joint pain and inflammation: from chondroitin sulphate, glucosamine, and other compounds extracted from the cartilage Fights inflammation: Amino acids such as glycine, proline, and arginine all have anti-inflammatory effects. Glycine may help you sleep better
Promotes strong, healthy bones: the high amounts of calcium, magnesium, and other nutrients that play an important role in healthy bone formation are in plenty of supply in a helping of bone broth Promotes healthy hair and nail growth: from the gelatin in the broth

Eating for Brain Health

In case you missed my TV segment last week, here is the information about the MIND diet which has been named one of the top diets for 2016, according to U.S. News and World Report, which analyzed 35 different eating plans.

Out of all the diseases out there that we are at risk for, either genetically or environmentally, the one that frightens me the most is Alzheimer’s (and other forms of dementia or cognitive decline). I have personally seen members of my own family suffer, and have numerous friends who have also experienced this devastating condition in their families. If there is anything we can do to prevent this, I am all for it!

This eating plan is a combination of the Mediterranean and DASH diets, both of which are heart healthy and good for lowering blood pressure. This plan focuses on foods that have been scientifically proven to protect the brain, lowering the risk of developing Alzheimer’s by 53%. The great thing about it is that it is very easy to follow. And even if you are not concerned about Alzheimer’s and other forms of cognitive decline, this is a really healthy way to eat.

The following brain healthy food groups are included on this eating plan:

  • Leafy greens (at least 6 servings per week)
  • Vegetables (at least 1 per day)
  • Whole grains (at least 3 per day)
  • Nuts (5 servings per week)
  • Beans (at least 3 servings per week)
  • Berries (at least 2 servings per week)
  • Fish (once per week)
  • Poultry (twice per week)
  • Olive oil (use as your mail oil)
  • Red wine (1 glass per day)

The following foods are to be AVOIDED:

  • Red meat
  • Butter/margarine
  • Cheese
  • Pastries and sweets
  • Fried or fast foods

While researchers admit that there is still a great deal of study to be done in this area, this eating plan has already been proven through scientific research to benefit brain health. And be choosy in what you purchase — try to find produce which is organically produced and without pesticides (which harm your brain and other organs), purchase wild caught fish (NEVER farm raised as this produces unhealthy fat in the fish), and poultry that is “free range” (beware of “cage free” which does not always mean free range!).

I don’t know about you, but I want my Golden Years to be enjoyed with a healthy body AND brain!

~ Doneane